
Sketch Book

The Sketchbook – A Tool For Exploration + Discovery:

Sketchbook Tool For Exploration + Discovery

Its fascinating how a hand made drawing can become so rich in information and convey important details, or ideas that an electronic drawing can never do. The sketchbook is simply a vital tool in which helps us (human beings) understand. There is something profound that occurs when a simple sketch engages the human mind to convey an idea(s). It’s a  flexible tool, that is often underutilized. In this blog, I briefly provide a case study of how this is used in our work, and how it sets the stage for creating a meaningful design.

A Case Study:

A recent project which entailed a major renovation project for an existing two story home, built in the 1950’s. Was nestled on a beautiful 1 acre sloping lot, with several areas of mature elm and box elder trees. The client wanted to add an addition for a formal dinning room, and additional storage. After our initial consult, I developed a plan of the existing home which documented the existing conditions. But at this point, the existing floor plan document information gained from the site reconnaissance was utilized to develop a sketch of the existing floor plan. At this stage, the sketch serves as a way to organize existing data in a flexible way. coupled with the existing plan, the sketch was utilized to create a schematic diagram that could be used to meaningfully create grand sweeping changes and alterations long before the formal planning began.

Sketch First, and Seek to Understand:

The Project is a good case study as it reflects the typical garden variety of homes that have a very similar entrance, and often, multiple entryways with mixed messages about which is the main entry. In addition, there is a predictable individual rigid room layout and function. In addition to the disjointed floor plan, the home had the three car garage out front and center, and gave very little thought to how this non-livable area was allowed to take over the home and become a prominent feature. 

With that said, the sketch book became an vital tool that helped to establish new ideas as an overlay of the existing home. Establishing how the existing home currently functions (or not)  as well as begin to set the stage and ideas of how things can be improved. The value of the sketch quickly becomes apparent when several iterations are required. This also serves as a gradual step in leading to a schematic drawing phase. Building your understanding through the flexibility of this sketch, subtly and deliberately creates a basis by which ideas can come to light. It builds a meaningful framework. Its not something that is just arbitrarily established.

The Sketch Engages Our Thinking:

Another important aspect of the sketch is found in the way it engages our thinking and ability to work through a rational and ordered process. We sketch to engage our thinking and understanding. We first seek to understand what the problem is. And the sketch is a tool that helps us do that. It identifies problem(s) very easily.  Sketching encourages exploration and discovery because of the ease in which sweeping changes can be made and analyzed. Perhaps most important, It can create value driven solutions and opportunities to enhance.

Another important aspect of the sketch process can be found in taking time to think through how it currently functions, and what you may actually like. It serves as an analytical tool to identify and prioritize a future design. As each project is unique, so to, the ability to have your sketch tool become a way to identify what’s important.

A Sketch Convey’s a Thousand Words:

The goal of many projects is primarily about improvement of some kind. The sketch book helps in this process from the start. In fact, there is a fascinating mental process that takes place when the mind takes paper and pencil and begins to envision and create. This is completely unlike anything our digital media tools provide. Its unique to the sketchbook itself.  

The sketch book provides a simple but thoughtful process that not only captures what you observe, it engages our mind to begin the process of creating meaningful change. Even more, the cost of this effort up front is such a minimal investment compared to the lost opportunity of not utilizing this tool —  should encourage everyone to start small, with a simple sketch, and use it as a tool for exploration and discovery.

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Strategic Design, A Case Study:

Strategic Design, A Case Study:

This article will focus upon an unusual design of an ancient ‘city gate’. It represents a story that came to light, as part of an archeological dig that occurred in Israel. It represents a fascinating design that was unlike any city gate of its day. It provides interesting parallels about how strategic design was used in early history. This provides an historical perspective on design thinking, but also reveals the timeless application of this method.    

In the 9th century B.C., the city gate had become such an important feature in the ancient world, that it became a necessary part of building a city. However, over time, the city gate  soon became the weak link and no longer served to protect. However this story shows how design thinking was utilized to change all that. 

The Megiddo Gates, A Case Study:

The ancient city I am referring to, is the discovery of the City Gates of ‘Megiddo’. Through detailed records of the archeological dig, a plan was revealed in which the design of the gate system entailed an enclosed passageway that included internal chambers. Special chambers that served to provide added protection.  

The design of the ‘Megiddo Gate’ (sketch depicted above) reveals the actual floor plan of the ancient ruins. As the details emerged this gate system included  much more than a single gate, but also became a place of civic governance and commerce that occurred at the gate itself. In addition, the structure was built with a substantial foundation and long lasting materials. In addition, the wall structure was built to include an internal passage way with chambers, designed to be within the thick walled structure. In turn the walled gate became a fortified building structure that also housed diverse functions while also protecting the city gate. The design fundamentally changed the typical operation of the city entrance gate and influenced the way the city gate functioned. It was as though the city gate itself had become a symbol of royal governance. 

This ancient city gate revealed a design mindset, that incorporated an understanding of the various challenges of its day, not to mention, how it transformed the city.  The new Megiddo gates provided an innovative design approach, that provided enhanced protection. The new gates created several large multi layered walled systems of  large blocks that not only made it stronger, but made it difficult to enter the protected passage. An apposing army that did dare to attempt to break through the first gate, was soon overwhelmed by the multi-gate system and battle ready stations on either side of the passage way. In addition, it was a very tight corridor of articulated rock walls and internal chambers which were easily supplied by a network of internal passage ways behind solid masonry walls. In addition, the slope of the passage way was also inclined. In time of peace, various systems were provided to allow for passage of goods and materials to traverse the passage. 

The Essence of Strategic Design:

The noted case study of the ‘Megiddo city gate’, provides a solution that moves well beyond the typical inherent weakness of the known city gates of its day. It  provided advanced functions and operations that dramatically improved the city on many levels. Both from the standpoint of strength and durability, but also of improved function. The design solution clearly represented advancements over the status quo, and boldly moved beyond the status quo; providing an extensive array of enhanced functionality and value to its citizenry. The new gate system also advanced an innovative novel design in creating “a royal seat of governance”. No longer would the fortified gate be taken for granted, but became a welcomed feature. Interestingly, the Megiddo city gate advancements did not require new material, or technology, but rather demonstrated an emphasis on  innovation of its design, seeking to move well beyond the status quo. The design utilized wisdom over a reliance upon the brute force of an army, or even the standards of its day. But through wisdom and emphasis’ on understanding the problem, was a solution advanced.  

Great Challenges Can inspire Good Design:

The genius of the Megiddo city gate plan, is found in its ability to completely transform the single gate system of its day into a multifaceted ingenious solution. (King Solomon, the king of this region, it is said was responsible for its design,) Through strategic design he was able to significantly improve upon the design and architecture of the city gate. Having identified inherent weakness, solutions were conceived through planning and then developing a prototype. This allowed further refinement and testing of the final structure and design. In addition, the new gate became an identifying feature of this city. Singlehandedly creating a civic function within the gate; serving as a place for the “judicial courts”. Thus, it represented both a security feature as well as a seat of governance.  It interesting how the design embodied an ordered path that protected its people, while achieving additional benefits.   

From a modern perspective, the design of the Megiddo city gate, depicts a fascinating account of what strategic design looks like. Solving major challenge’s of its day with strategy and design set its solutions far along a path that sought to create valuable and effective solutions. This astonishing case study delineates a way of advancing solutions that adds substantial value, benefits and vital functions for human beings. It’s much more than a fancy facade or skin deep solutions, its profoundly authentic and unique. 

Modern Day Applications:

Utilizing a strategic design methodology, can be applied to a work of architecture as well as those that fall outside of its strict boundaries.  We must consider how to effectively utilize the principles of strategic design to realize new solutions and seek to transcend the problems of our day. Much can be accomplished with this methodology and way of thinking. The City gates of the ancient city of Megiddo depicts a real-life example of a city gate that used strategic design to make substantial improvements. At the same time providing a new culture of change. All this from a single example of an ancient city gate that was designed by a wise king almost 3000 years ago!      


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A Planning Process

A Simple But Needed Planning Process:

Developing the architectural design for a home or most any project, requires a process that helps you navigate through a diverse array of decisions. This is especially true when having to coordinate among various stakeholders. This post will focus on a brief overview, to help navigate your project to completion. And establish a simple but needed process.

Design Work Requires A Plan:

Often, our initial ideas fall short, and it is not until they are refined and expanded upon that they become worth perusing. Learning to plan provides a way to work through many ideas and begin the process of setting the course of the project. It also will help to refine ideas over time and perhaps reveal challenges that need resolution. Discovering challenges early on can be a way to save time and money. A great way to begin this planning process is to develop the building program and functional requirements of your project. Working through your program, will establish the preliminaries of your vision. Unfortunately, many homes by-pass this planning stage and are mass produced, with a one size fits all philosophy. This does nothing to improve upon our building infrastructure.  

Only after a good understanding of the building program and client expectations, can the design professional begin the next process of exploring ideas, and solutions. But it’s all contingent upon a specific program, which BTW should include the site, and budget requirements. The process leads to clarity and adds value to the project by way of thoughtful development. This planning process provides the initial steps of developing and organizing your building objectives and goals.  Through this planning process, the project can begin to start a dialogue of whats important, and were do we want to take this project? This initial process alone, can far and above exceed a design professionals fee! (even before the designing begins)

Although hiring an architect for your residential project may not be for everyone. It can be quite beneficial on many levels , both from the perspective of how to align your budget with the overall aesthetics. They can also prove to be a valuable part of the team during the construction phase. The architect’s experience with working through various solutions beyond just the standard building approach, lends itself to help clients achieve greater efficiencies through design that might not otherwise be possible. This provides the client with a site specific solutions that are infinity more valuable than an arbitrary process of building from a stock plan. 

A Case Study Example:

By way of a simple example, If the architect can design a residential plan operate more efficiently, even by 100sf, that can represent a major cost savings, In the case were a  building cost is $250/sf, that can be a $25,000 savings! (using a very conservative building cost value.) This is a tiny example, however it provides a clear advantage in designing a home. In addition, aligning the extensive array of various functions with the design, provides solutions that are harmonious and well thought out.  It is not unusual  for those projects that have had an architect involved in the design process; typically can add approximately 10-15% or greater value over comparable homes utilizing an off the shelf variety.  The potential to serve a homeowner through a formal design process provides many advantages. Winston Churchill said, “We shape our buildings and thereafter they shape us.”  

When a schematic plan is developed, it establishes a process in which you are able to order your goals and objective. As ideas are developed, and greater levels of information can be established this can serve as a preliminary cost estimation tool. A building contractor can review these documents and provide preliminary cost estimates, based on specific square footage and design parameters. It’s a great way to gauge your budget and the cost implications at an early stage. This can also facilitate effective revisions long before the project is built.  

Another aspect or benefit of using a design process, establishes a framework to evaluate all the applicable building codes. This is about mitigating risk, and establishing a clear path before the construction process starts. In short, this is not only about the design, it is about creating value through planning, mitigating risk, and seeking to improve upon how you live.

Utilizing an Architect to Include the Art With the Science:

Like soo many things in life, it helps to have a plan. Having a design process can greatly help in clarifying and attaining your goals. It is also interesting how setting out on a journey to create something, can lead to discovery and improvement. There is something quite unique about the process of planning, establishing goals, creating a vision can provide added meaning to life, and in turn help to create substantial value. As an architect, I have discovered that having a design process in place helps to organize lots of information so as to prioritize the effort. In short, with no guide, chaos can quickly ensue and undermine any building project. The process that leads to bringing ideas and concepts together in a meaningful way, can also help make the dreams a reality. It’s vital that the client has an advocate and guide to balance the art with the science of building. 

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