Joseph Conti, architect | envisioneer | founder

Arc Castle Studio is a multifaceted architecture + design planning studio, led by architect and founder Joseph Conti. The studio name reflects a story that is built upon a design thinking mindset. We solve complex problems and seek to beautify with human centric solutions. Our approach places an emphasis on developing a harmonious collaboration both within and outside the strict boundaries of architecture.
The first part our name: ‘ARC’ conveys the overall big picture and approach that I take in our work: ‘Arc’ has a multifaceted meaning to us: architecture, or a detailed degree of measurement, light, a path of travel, a unique responsibility, the overall ‘arc of life’, a written record, a significant achievement, or a development of story structure. Our company name reflect in part the holistic approach we take in serving our clients.
The second building block of our name: ‘CASTLE’; serves as a metaphor. Which (for me) has always represented one of the more noble, and creative works in architecture. It represents a unique building type, unlike any other. In addition, the fortress-like design evolved over a millennium. The castle serves as a profound example of how design thinking can be utilized to balance complex challenges. But also, the manor in which individual designs and strategic site planning were developed individually. In fact, each castle is truly one-of-a-kind. The castle represent a careful collaboration between owner, architect, artisan, craftsmen, builder, and extensive trades. Even the technology of its day was incorporated into the design.
The latter part of our name serve’s as a linchpin to our work; ‘STUDIO’; a creative generator; and light tower bringing a design centered practice to serve the client. The ‘studio’ represents a laboratory for aligning the art with the science of architecture. It’s a place for exploration and discovery, and to seek ways to improve. This is a collaborative process which becomes multifaceted in its ability to generate valuable solutions. We serve as the guide in helping each client individually. The overall Arc of the studio seeks to beautify and serve as ‘envsioneers’ in making our clients dreams a reality.
Arc Castle Studio serves as a trusted advisor, architect and professional design service. Regardless of the project type, we seek to develop authentic working relationships. What follows, is a work that is built upon our commitment to serve each client individually. We do not do our work because we have to. We do this work, because we value: ‘Arc’ + ‘Castle’ + ‘Studio’ – our building blocks that serve to guide the client on this journey to architecture and design.