Sketchbook – Tool For Exploration + Discovery:
The Sketchbook, a tool for exploration and discovery:
To begin with a hand drawing may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you start a project or seek to resolve a problem. In fact, in a digital age of complex tools, hand drawings have been pushed to the side. However, in this blog I would like to show that the sketchbook is actually a powerful tool for exploration and discovery. In fact, there is a profound cognitive process that takes place when a sketch is developed. The human mind does process this act of sketching as a deliberate attempt to engage it, and often responds with ideas. In addition, the sketch is a flexible tool, that can be easily incorporated into any project. Let’s briefly examine this simple tool, and understand how it can be better utilized.
Simple is often the best approach:
I remember my engineering professor, who always began his lectures with the “KISS” principle. He said “Keep it simple stupid” Although I found myself at odds with this approach, I did learn very quickly that creating complex solutions also increased the potential for error. The sketchbook is very much like the KISS principle, it helps to train your focus on the basics.
The idea of using a sketchbook as a tool for exploration and discovery is foreign to some. However, in this blog, I want to shed light on the fascinating way that this simple tool is utilized in my practice. In addition, to convey that it can be utilized outside the strict boundaries of architecture. In fact, any discipline or endeavor can benefit formalizing this tool.
Let me start with an example of an existing residential project that I was commissioned to redesign. The project entailed a complete renovation of a two story home, built in the 1950’s. The house was nestled on a beautiful one acre lot. The client wanted to improve its functionality and meet new energy codes. In addition, the home would benefit from an aesthetic refresh.
As you might have guessed, a quick sketch began in earnest to record the existing floor plan, elevations, and a small sketch of the site plan. The documented information gained from the site reconnaissance was beneficial not in just documenting what is there, but when you sketch a drawing, you engage your mind through your eyes and hand. The sketch in this case was not about designing anything, but wanting to become ‘aware’ of what was there. In addition, the drawing served to create order and begin to organize existing data in a way that provided valuable information to build upon and proceed to next stage.
Sketch and Seek to Understand:
The above noted project could have also been a commercial building, place of entertainment, commercial venue, anything. The process is the same; engage your mind through your hand sketches. Science has revealed that there is this extraordinary connection between mind and hand. There are some institutions that even have it as their moto, see MIT article on their approach to learning.
The sketch book is however only as good as how you use it. However, the value of the sketch can quickly become apparent when it is applied in real life scenarios such as the noted project above. The sketch serves as a gradual step in helping the human mind to analyze (creative pursuits) and eventually to design itself.
In addition, building understanding through utilizing this flexible hand sketch tool creates a basis by which ideas can come to light. It builds a meaningful framework. As the mind is investing in whats before you, it invisibly processes and provides a deeper understanding – this is never an arbitrary process.
Ideas and Application:
As the sketchbook can be found to engage our thinking and ability to work through a rational and ordered process. i.,e develop ideas. It also does something else. The hand can apply our thinking to develop specific applications and solutions. It becomes a tool to develop meaningful applications that utilize our observations and ideas that are processed so quickly by the human brain that we may even take it for granted. Sketching encourages exploration and discovery because of the ease in which sweeping changes can be made and analyzed. Perhaps most intriguing, it can create substantial value driven by the sketch process utilizing the mind and hand.
An Powerful Tool of Exploration and Discovery
Remember, the goal of many projects in architecture and other disciples too, is primarily about understanding and finding ways to make improvement or solve problems. The sketch book begins this extraordinary process of discovery and understanding in ways that even modern high tech computing simply cannot do. In fact, I think the
Its astonishing how this simple tool of hand sketching can be sidelined for various reasons. Perhaps the lure of other tools becomes too great. It should also be said, various digital tools are not necessarily bad, or cant be used, rather it becomes an issue of how do we best engage our minds in a physical way, so as properly guide our technology.
The sketch book provides a simple but thoughtful process to begin any project. It is a powerful tool that captures what you observe, and it engages the mind to create meaningful solutions. Hopefully we can all appreciate the value of this tool and next time you seek to start a project, know you can begin it with a sketch.
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