Joseph Conti, architect | envisioneer | founder
our studio name reflects a multifaceted approach and story behind why we are called ‘Arc Castle Studio’. Our name is built upon three irreplaceable building blocks, and each are uniquely positioned to serve as a foundation for our work:
‘ARC’ represents the big picture, holistic design approach we take to harmonize the entire project; from design program through construction and beyond. This serves to unite our mission, which seeks to create new and inspiring places. Our, ‘Arc’ is further defined as: a detailed measurement, structural integrity, a pathway that connects, creative order, functional integrity, a bright light, a written record, or a story structure. The ‘Arc’ serves as a cornerstone to unite our overall responsibility to guide each project journey, We serve to envision excellence, mitigate risk and most importantly to serve as a trusted design professional.
The next building block, ‘CASTLE’; serves as a metaphor for a noble and creative work. The castle embodies a unique design that is in harmony with its form, function and aesthetics. The design encompasses an overall strategic approach; where each individual part is carefully designed to fit its specific site. The design becomes a seamless and excellent balance of art and science, The castle represents one of the more extraordinary building types. In fact, every castle was individually designed and represented an excellent collaboration. And all of it occurred together with owner, architect, craftsmen, artists, builder and specialists; united in a special bond.
The final building block serves as a linchpin. The ‘STUDIO’, which represents a creative effort that in uniquely positioned to drive a design process well beyond the ordinary. The studio functions like a film studio, who organizes the entire work with an extended team. It develops the story of the client in a creative way. The studio also serves as design consultancy to provide unique services and foundation for big picture planning, creating artwork for projects both within and outside the strict boundaries of architecture.
Arc Castle Studio is built upon a multifaceted array of design and project experience that serves you. Our work includes: commercial, office, retail, coffee shops, renovation (commercial and residential), transportation centers, industrial, airport security TSA checkpoints, urban infill projects, technology centers, corporate interiors, landscape design, gymnastic facility, schools, dental clinic, medical office, historic renovation, entertainment projects, master planning, real estate development, adaptive reuse, war memorial, children’s playground, cabins, senior living, aging in place renovations, custom residential, assisted living, and unique information kiosk design and prototype projects.
Most importantly, we serve as a trusted resource, design professional, and advisor.
_jsph, architect, envisioneer and founder